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Morisset High School

Morisset High School

Great at Learning, Great at Life

Telephone02 4973 1999

2024-2025 MHS Big Picture Academy Enrolment

How to apply for the MHS Big Picture Academy

Does your child have a passion for learning, is innovative, or likes to learn at their own pace?

The Big Picture Academy is a unique program offered at Morisset High School that supports students to develop their passions and learn from real-world experiences to pave their way to success in their careers and the workforce after school.

Applications are now open for students to join the innovative learning program in 2024 and 2025. Places are limited for 2025.

Current Year 6 and 7 students are encouraged to consider applying for a place in the MHS Big Picture Academy in 2025.

Round 2 applications close on FRIDAY, August 30, 2024.

Selected applicants will be invited to attend a special Big Picture experience morning, on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

To apply, complete the 2024-2025 Morisset High School Big Picture Application and submit to the Morisset High School Administration in Bridge Street, Morisset, or can be submitted via email to:

Click here to learn more about the Morisset High School Big Picture Academy, or view the Morisset High School video gallery. 

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