Starting High School is the next big step in the learning journey for students and is an exciting time for both students and their families.
Morisset High School works in close collaboration with our partner primary schools in the Western Shores Learning Alliance (WSLA) to help ensure a positive and seamless transition for new high school students.
We Ensure Every Student is Known, Valued and Cared For
Ensuring every student is known, valued, cared for and well-prepared for life-long learning is the focus of Morissest High School's transition programs, for students moving from primary school to secondary school learning.
Morisset High Head Teacher of Transition, Mr Grant Bettison, and school executive work in partnership with teachers and principals from local primary schools to ensure that Year 6 students make a smooth transition to learning in Year 7.
The Western Shores Learning Alliance (WSLA) Transition Program, sees teachers and students from Morisset High School visit public primary schools in the West Lake Macquarie area, to inspire primary students about the different types of learning that will be available to them if they come to Morisset High School.
Teachers, principal's and staff from across the WSLA network recently took part in a planning process to map out how local students will be best supported to transition to secondary school and thrive in their new learning environment at Morisset High.
What to Expect in High School
Going to high school will be a new experience for your child. The school is likely to be much bigger than the primary school and your child may feel a little insecure at first. Instead of being a senior in a small school, they are now a beginner in a big school. However, it is also an exciting time with many opportunities and a broader curriculum.
Some of the 'new' things Year 7 students will need to navigate with the support of their families, teachers and the MHS staff include:
- New Experiences and Learning Spaces
- New Teachers
- New Classmates
- New Subjects
- A timetable, including limited movements to different classes
- New Friends
- Peer pressure and larger social groups, and
- Homework and assessments.
Visit the What to Expect at High School section of the MHS website for more information.
Guide for New Students
A Guide for New Students starting at Morisset High School in 2024 has been created to help provide detailed information for new students and families.
Click on the link below to access a digital copy of the 2024 Guide for New Students, or contact the school office on (02) 4973 1999 for more information.
Joining Morisset High School Support Unit
Morisset High School is an inclusive, caring and supportive learning environment that provides learning and personal development opportunities to support all Morisset High School students.
The Morisset High School Support Unit provides an individualized learning plan for each Support Unit student to empower each student to become active and valuable members of their community. Our specialised staff work with the students and families to identify their learning and post-school work and career goals, to create a program of learning, skills and vocational training, so that each student is confident and prepared for their chosen path once they have finished school.
Morisset High Support Unit student participate in many everyday living and community programs which include running a morning tea cafe, travel training learning to use public transport, and work experience programs that have led to past Support Unit students gaining employment after leading schools.
Our Support Unit students are encouraged to be active members of our school community and can take part in year electives, whole school events and representative activities.