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Morisset High School

Morisset High School

Great at Learning, Great at Life

Telephone02 4973 1999

Our School Leaders

Morisset High School Student Leaders

Student leadership helps young people find their voices, participate in decision making and understand their rights and responsibilities as active citizens. 
Students can be leaders in the classroom, through their actions in the playground, through their support for others, or their involvement in academic, sporting, cultural, or local community events or projects.
Our students are encouraged to be leaders at their school and in their community. Our students have an opportunity to be consulted as part of the decision making of their school through being part of the Student Representative Council and the Junior Aboriginal Education Consultative Group. They can also nurture their leadership skills as captains and vice-captains of our school sporting houses. 
Each year, our school also recognises 'service above self' and the efforts of students in their community and at school, to make improvements or be in the service of others through volunteering or other community roles.

2024 Student Leadership Team

Our 2024 Morisset High School Student Leadership Team, were elected by their peers from years 10 and 11 and their teachers.

The students are committed to being positive role models in their school community and to helping make a difference in their school. The 2024 School Captains and Prefects are listed below. 

2024 Morisset High School Captains:

  • Amelia Barnett
  • Aurora Townsend

2024 Morisset High School Vice-Captains: 

  • Andrew Mulcahy
  • Sophie Vella
Morisset High School 2024 Prefects:
  • Sharni O'Meley
  • Matthew Louden
  • Harrie McIlwraith
  • Melanie Wilson