Morisset High School

Great at Learning, Great at Life

Telephone02 4973 1999

Morisset High School Uniform Shop

Morisset High School Uniform Shop is operated by BME Pty Ltd.

The new MHS uniform will be introduced in stages as the redesigned items are manufactured by BME. 

Our new look uniform will be available in stages from the online and soon-to-be-open onsite uniform shop. Other uniform items from our previous uniform supplier, including items such as the Senior Collared Shirts (boys and girls) and tartan skirts are also available from the MHS Uniform Shop. 

From Term 3, 2023, the MHS Uniform Shop will operate:

  • Tuesdays - from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm 
  • Thursday - from 8 am to 11 am

Purchasing Uniforms Online

Morisset High School's Uniform has been reimagined in close consultation with our students, parents, and community. Click on the button below to purchase a uniform from the Morisset High School Uniform Shop. 

What items in the new uniform suite are currently available?

  • Our New MHS Juinor Polo (black).
  • Our New MHS Senior Polo (white with black collar).
  • Our New MHS Sports Polo (green).
  • Our New MHS Big Picture Academy Polo. 
  • Black Jeans.
  • Black microfibre shorts.
  • MHS Black Hoodie, with MHS logo.

What is included in the new MHS Uniform?

  • Morisset High School Polo - Junior, Senior, Sport and Big Picture designs, both new and former designs.
  • White senior collared shirt and blouse.
  • Yellow junior blouse.
  • Black shorts (short and long length) with MHS monogram - no other logos.
  • Black athletic tights (for sport and PE only) - no logos. 
  • Black fleece hoodie (with MHS logo).
  • Black Skirt or MHS skirt - no logos.
  • Black shell jacket with a microfibre lining and MHS logo.
  • Morisset High School tie.
  • Morisset High School scarf.

Financial Support is Available So All Students Can Wear Uniform

We want our students to feel a sense of belonging, so there is financial support available to families who apply to ease the transition of our students to our new school polo. 

Click here for more information about applying for financial assistance. 

The transition to our new MHS Uniform 

To make it easier for families, our students can wear both our past school uniforms, with a transition period of three years. This means that our past school uniform - for example, yellow polo for junior students, can be worn until the end of 2025.