A School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) are offered to students in Years 11 and 12 and consist of a student taking part in paid on-the-job training with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in a chosen vocational area, combined with HSC study, with their learning credited towards their HSC.
Morisset High School has several current students taking part in SBATs and we work closely with our partner organisations and employers to ensure that our students complete the necessary on-the-job and off-the-job training.
The on-the-job component requires a minimum of 100 days of paid work with their chosen employer. This is generally completed one day each week during the school term and some of the school holidays. SBAT students may also be required to work weekends and afternoons, with all arrangements worked out in consultation with the employer and the student.
Morisset High School is an RTO, please check our Vocational Education and Training page for more information about the different at-school training options. SBAT students can also attend TAFE or another RTO to complete the necessary 240 to 360 hours of formal off-the-job training, completed during both senior years.
The HSC requirements include students completing 22 units over the two years, that is 12 units in Preliminary Year 11 and 10 units in HSC Year 12. SBATS contribute between 4 to 6 units (depending on the vocation) over the two years of senior study. SBATS can also count towards the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) for entry to university courses and programs after school.
School-Based Traineeships at Certificate II or III levels are offered in a variety of industry and employment areas, including:
- Agriculture
- Animal Care
- Beauty
- Beekeeping
- Business
- Community Pharmacy
- Community Services - Aged Care
- Community Services - Disability
- Conservation and Land Management
- Construction
- Education
- Electrotechnology
- Engineering
- Financial Services
- Floristry
- Hairdressing
- Health Service
- Horticulture
- Hospitality
- Information Technology
- Meat Processing
- Property Services (Agency)
- Racing (Stablehand)
- Retail
- Sport and Recreation
- Tourism
- Transport and Logistics
A School-Based Traineeship (SBT) commences in Year 11 (or in some cases at the end of Year 10) and will conclude at the end of Year 12. Students who complete an SBT receive a nationally recognised qualification and a Certificate of Proficiency, credit towards their HSC, and in some cases the experience may count towards an ATAR.
School-Based Apprenticeships include the completion of a Certificate II or III qualification and are available in the following areas:
- Automotive
- Baking
- Carpentry
- Electrotechnology
- Engineering
- Farriery
- Furnishing
- Hairdressing
- Horticulture
- Hospitality
- Locksmithing
- Marine
- Meat Processing
- Metal and Engineering
- Painting and Decorating
- Plumbing
- Refrigeration/Air Conditioning
- Roof Tiling
- Signcraft
- Wall and Ceiling Lining
- Wall and Floor Tiling
A School-Based Apprenticeship (SBA) commences in Year 11 (or in some cases at the end of Year 10) and is completed part-time during Year 11 and Year 12, and contributed to the HSC and will continue full-time after completing school.
Students who complete an SBA will receive a nationally recognised qualification including a Statement of Competencies Achieved, and credit towards the HSC (and in some cases course may count towards an ATAR, after Year 12.
For more information about SBATS please speak with Ms Brockwell, or visit the NSW Education website.

Holly's SBAT Story - Allied Health Assistant at Moores Speech Pathology
Morisset High School Big Picture Academy student Holly Hunt has been building and her skills and knowledge as a speech pathologist, through her School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship SBAT).
What are you doing for your SBAT?
For my SBAT I am working at Moore Speech Pathology as an Allied Health Assistant. In my job role I am able to find out exactly how speech therapy works and the different aspects that contribute to a child’s development with their speech and language.
What are you enjoying about your SBAT?
My favourite part about working at the clinic is seeing my clients, it is my favourite part of the week. Watching each client meet their goals and develop new skills is extremely rewarding and makes me feel like I am making a difference.
How has your SBAT experience enhanced your learning?
Working at the clinic has helped enhance my learning because I am surrounded by multiple mentors who I can learn from that have the career I want to do. I would not understand half the knowledge I have if I wasn’t working for Moore Speech. Doing therapy with clients, I learn on the spot because I have to adapt to the client and how they are responding to the activity they are doing.
What would you like to do when you leave school?
When I leave school, I want to go to university to study Speech Pathologist so that I can become a Speech Pathologist.
Why are you attracted to that career?
I think I was pulled towards Speech Pathology because I love children but did not want to work in childcare and I love helping people so I wanted a career where I could make a difference in someone’s life, so I decided on Speech Pathology.
What do you like about being part of the Big Picture?
Being a part of Big Picture changed school for me, I am able to create my own learning in my chosen area of interest which has made me want to learn. I have had opportunities that I could not have gotten in mainstream. Going to LTIs to see if your chosen career is what you want to do saves a lot of time and money you may waste at university if you decide that the career is not what you want to do. You can work out exactly what you want to do before you leave school, and it is a great feeling.
What would you say to another student to encourage them to apply for Big Picture?
I encourage students to apply for Big Picture because it is a unique way of learning and you discover things about your chosen area of interest that you would not discover in mainstream. Big Picture is an opportunity that you do not want to miss out on.
Updated September 2022