Morisset High School is a large, comprehensive, co-educational high school located on the western shores of Lake Macquarie.
Our team of staff is committed to being informed professionals, who cater to the educational, physical, social, and emotional wellbeing of all of our students, and that successful education is achieved through being safe, being respectful in all situations, and being engaged in preparing for the future.
We work in close partnership with our community and create a positive and empowering learning culture for our students. Our close links to our partner primary schools through the Western Shores Learning Alliance ensure a proactive K-12 approach to education and learning through the Positive Behaviour for Learning processes adopted by all NSW Department of Education schools in the Morisset area.
School Vision and Purpose
At Morisset High School, we collaborate with our community and partners in learning to empower our students to become passionate and committed learners.
As part of our 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement Plan, our school collaborated with key stakeholders to co-design our vision statement.
"At Morisset High School, we strive to provide the foundations to develop self-directed, empowered, and inquisitive individuals.
"As an integral part of our wider community, we create a learning culture that supports our students to build resilience, the skills to learn, and a determination to pursue their passions."
To read the Morisset High School Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 click here
An inclusive and supportive learning culture
Our school is an inclusive educational community and offers a range of learning options and styles of learning for students from all backgrounds, all abilities, and aspirations.
Offering a range of learning styles, our school aims to provide our students with learning and personal skills to empower our students to pursue their passions and interests through a post-school pathway in employment or further education.
Morisset High School Big Picture Academy
Morriset High School is proud to be the only school in Western Lake Macquarie to partner with Big Picture Australia to offer a unique learning opportunity for our students.
Through the Big Picture learning design students are empowered to develop skills to become confident, independent, self-directed learners, whose theoretical knowledge is complemented by industry and career experience, helping them forge a path to success after finishing school. Big Picture Academy students complete an internationally recognised qualification, with several of our Morisset High School Big Picture Academy students successfully being enrolled to university degrees, some before completing their Year 12 studies.
Students from the Morisset area and out of zone are invited to apply for enrolment to the Morisset High School Big Picture Academy. To find out more about Big Picture learning and the Morisset High School Big Picture Academy, click here
Vocational learning opportunities offered on-site
- Primary Industries (Agriculture);
- Retail;
- Business Services;
- Sports Coaching;
- Construction Pathways;
- Manufacturing and Engineering;
- Hairdressing, and;
- Hospitality (Kitchen Operations/Food and Beverages).
Our school has a commercial kitchen, hairdressing salon, and well-equipped industrial arts and PDHPE facilities on-site. Our VET teachers receive up-to-date training and have strong links with the local industry, so our students can develop career skills, and connections, without having to leave the school.