Respect, responsibility, and safety are cornerstones of student expectations at Morisset High School.
The safety of our students is paramount. When students follow expectations, their families and the school know that they are safe.
When students leave home for school, families and the school expect that they will be responsible, and make positive choices.
The table above has been provided to students and families, to detail student expectations for Safe, Responsible, Respectful, Engaged, and positive behaviour when travelling to and from school and home.
Click here for information on NSW Transport rules for bike riders.
Arriving and leaving by buses and public transport
Students and families are reminded that when using school buses and public transport with an Opal Student card (School Travel Pass), students agree to follow the rules and expectations of NSW Transport and Hunter Buses. Students can lose access to using school buses and public transport, and free access to transport if they fail to meet these expectations. These expectations are detailed in the NSW Transports Student Code of Conduct.
Click here for the NSW Transport Student Code of Conduct
Click here to apply for a School Travel Pass
Arriving by bike, scooter, or walking to school
Ensuring students arrive at school and home safely is our priority. Students are reminded to follow the road rules when riding their bikes and scooters to and from school.
When riding bikes or scooters, and walking to school, students should give way to traffic, and use pedestrian crossings and light-controlled pedestrian crossings when crossing the road when available. Pedestrian crossings near the school are located on the corner of Newcastle and Bridge Street, Morisset.
There is a stand outside our school office, in Quad 1 for students to leave their bikes and scooters.
Drop-offs and pick-ups at MHS
Please see below information on rules and restrictions when dropping off and picking up students at Morisset High School.
A bus zone runs along most of the front of our school on Bridge Street. Parking regulations restrict students from being dropped off or picked up in school bus zones. See the images below for more information.