School Vision and Purpose
At Morisset High School, we collaborate with our community and partners in learning to empower our students to become passionate and committed learners.
As part of our Strategic Improvement Plan, our school collaborated with key stakeholders to co-design our vision statement.
"To be recognised for teaching excellence, and providing educational opportunities and aspirational pathways that transform lives."
To read the Morisset High School Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 click here
School Context
Morisset High School was established in 1965 although the Primary School had accommodated high school classes since 1951. It is located on the southwestern side of Lake Macquarie and is a proud comprehensive public school that caters for 725 Year 7-12 students. The school features a range of architectural styles, including restored 19th-century heritage buildings as well as modern additions. A recently covered outdoor learning area has provided much-needed undercover space for students.
Approximately 21 per cent of students identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and are well supported by the Itji-Marru Aboriginal Resource Centre and staff which was established in 1992.
There are five Special Education Support classes catering for students with additional learning needs. The school has a unique learning partnership with Big Picture Education Australia and has four Big Picture Advisories in the Morisset High School Big Picture Academy. This provides our students with an alternative, student-driven learning opportunity and in 2021, will see students achieving the International Big Picture Learning Credential. While the school offers a broad range of curriculum opportunities, school-based VET options include; Primary Industries (Agriculture), Retail, Business Services, Sports Coaching, Hospitality (Kitchen Operations/Food and Beverages), Construction Pathways, Manufacturing and Engineering and Hairdressing. Each staff member commits to being an informed professional who caters for the educational, physical, social and emotional wellbeing of our students. The school continues to strengthen the Western Shores Learning Alliance with partner primary schools, to ensure a proactive K-12 approach to education through the Positive Behaviour for Learning processes adopted by all schools in the Western Shores Learning Alliance (WSLA). This recognises that a successful education is achieved through being safe, being respectful in all situations, and being engaged in preparing for the future.
We value input from our learning community to ensure a combined focus on quality education for the students is aspired by all stakeholders. An active Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) and Itji-Marru, our Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG) support the school and have high expectations of an inclusive school that values and encourages community participation. All community partners support the school to build a culture of high expectations to ensure an inclusive school that values and encourages citizenship and life-long learning as the key to building a stronger community.
Our School Planning process involved extensive consultation with relevant educational stakeholders including students, staff, parents/carers, AECG, community groups, and partners. High-level areas for improvement or further development based on the findings of the school's comprehensive situational analysis include student growth and attainment, building learning culture, and teaching practice and impact. The school is well-resourced with staffing entitlement and financial resources to achieve the improvement measures listed across all Strategic Directions.