Morisset High School

Great at Learning, Great at Life

Telephone02 4973 1999

Wear it Purple Day



On Friday 26th of August Morisset High School proudly celebrated International ‘Wear It Purple Day'. Wear It Purple, is a student lead organisation behind the campaign, inviting everyone to wear purple to show young people that they are respected and supported, and that, irrespective of their sexuality and gender identity, they have the right to be proud of who they are. Wear it Purple recognises that there are many young people that may not have sufficient support in their surrounding environments and believes it is crucial that isolated or at risk young people know that such support exists. Wear it Purple highlights that respect is an integral element to the formation of healthy relationships between individuals, especially in the formative years of identity development.

It's a day for Morisset High School students, staff and community members to celebrate diversity, respect and acceptance for all, including gender, sexuality, religion, culture, ethnicity and socio economic status. Last year, 193 schools, across all sectors, registered their celebrations. Activities ranged from mufti day, where students and staff wore purple, through to purple bake sales, student messages of support, and guest speakers linking to curriculum areas relating to diversity, respect and relationships.



Informative lessons were delivered throughout the week in the lead up to wear It Purple Day. This is the first year we developed a student action team ‘The Purple Warriors' who successfully planned and managed the events to celebrate wear It Purple Day. Students not only demonstrated excellent leadership and event management skills they also displayed outstanding interpersonal qualities engaging with students, staff and local police officers who attended on the day.

Celebrations included Muffti Day with students and staff dressing in purple, the SRC ran an amazing Purple Cup Cake stall raising money for future projects based around respect. Our local police officers attended, dressed in specifically designed purple attire, students and staff enjoyed the experience of mingling with the Officers and received copious freebies and giveaways. Students and staff were also able to participate in the 'Be Proud of Who You Are' Selfie' Comp. A Purple Photo Booth was set up on the PE Veranda with props and dress up items.

A fantastic event for 2016 enjoyed by all.
